Soča Stories - 2nd and 3rd May, 2009 in the Kluže fortres
Festival weekend in Bovec, where you can learn the local history and traditions and enjoy in the company of creative artistic souls, locals and heritage of Soča Front! Soča Stories are part of the projects in the Soča Valley, which has received the title of the European destinations of excellence!
This year's program and some fotos of the previous years:
2. may:
- PRIGODBE OB SOCI (the Fortress Kluže in Bovec)
Scenic-musical mosaic, and a visit by Marjan Šarca and the Slovenian political summit
- THE WALK OF PEACE, the hiking starts in front of KD Bovec at 10:00, through the museum "in nature" Ravelnik, Sv. Lenart and ends at the fortress Kluže
- HERITAGE FAIR (Fortress Kluže 12:00 - 16:00)
Domestic dealers and farmers of Soča Valley will be represented and children will be able to create in the children's workshops.
- FROM FRONT TO DANCING (Fortress Kluže, 13:00)
performance of folklore groups, guided tours around the Fortress, children`s workshops
After the event, on May the 3rd, transport is organized back to Bovec for the hikers.
Welcome to the Stories of Soča!
Check the full schedule at ...i know, not really adrenaline going as usual, but some might still find it interesting!
hej! what's other upcoming festivals in Soča? I missed this one. Thanks
During the high tourist season, such and similar events&shows in Trdnjava Kluže are quite common on weekends...
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