Sunday, August 10, 2008

Views Around Žaga - Stol (1673 m)

Following the road from Žaga to Italy, just before the "old" border one can find a mountain road on the left side of the main road. The macadam road leads to Božca farm. It is reachable by car (walking takes you from 4-6 h), but after extreme weather conditions the road can be pretty messed up! Nowadays it is used mostly by paragliders and mountain bikers, so prepare for company on the road, now and then. On the top, the macadam road slopes downward, towards Breginj. From here the peak of Stol is reachable by foot. It can take you 20 min walk, if you are in a good form.

Stol (1673 m)

Božca and the descending road

the Soča valley view

grass eating being

Soča and LogČezsoški

grass eating being

dolina Soče

the Alps

view from the road

photoshop art

360° panorama from Stol (1673 m):
360° panorama s Stola (1673 m)

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