Friday, October 9, 2009

Kluže Fortress (nr.2)

An Insight on the "1313 Society" World War I themed performances!

I already wrote on this subject here.
Plays take place several times daily (mostly weekends) DURING the high tourist season (june, july, august, september)! For "out of the season" events and schedule check out or Bovec TouristOffice!

Invitation note usually says:
"Invited to attend the 1313 Society`s performance, which may be subject to slightly different way of exploring the daily life of soldiers on the Isonzo front. Plucking teeth, reading long-awaited love letters, fear, care for the wounded... All the soldiers at the front, regardless of nationality, meet with that... In the show, you will also learn some important facts about the First World War.

Welcome to Bovec Kluže fortress, where you laugh to tears!


Vabljeni na predstavo društva 1313, ob kateri lahko na malo drugačen način spoznavate vsakdanje življenje vojakov na Soški fronti. Puljenje zob, branje dolgo pričakovanih ljubezenskih pisem, strah, oskrba ranjenca; z vsem tem so se srečevali prav vsi vojaki na fronti, ne glede na narodnost. V predstavi boste spoznali tudi nekaj pomembnih dejstev o prvi svetovni vojni.

Vabljeni v bovško trdnjavo Kluže, kjer se boste nasmejali do solz!"

The part about "laughing to tears" is kind of ironc, taking into account the original purpose of the fortress. But that`s the nature of the showbuisness. And the performance is one of a kind!


after the performance

after the performance

after the performance

after the performance

inside the fortress

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